About Me

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hi! my name is kirsty gilliburn and i am a student at manchester school of art studying Design and Art Direction. Sometimes my mind runs off on a tangent and i imagine myself sat in a Vogue office wearing head to toe chanel, the new anna wintour. A girl can dream.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

this is the woman, she does not tweet, she does not twitter...

Well actually i do twitter/tweet, whatever you want to call it, i dont very often update my status but i am an avid stalker of the celebs, in particular a miss lauren conrad. yes i am a hills fan too, and for those who watched it Laguna Beach was awesome! I love the way i feel i know the people within the series as friends of my own, the way i converse about what lauren did, despite never having spoken to her in my life. most importantly i love watching the programme and trying to imagine my life being as eventful and fun as hers. anyway off on a tangent then, back to my findings...
after scrolling through Lauren's recent tweet's i came across this video - lost things by Gallant and Keen- i loved the aesthetic of the animation particularly the way the characters hair turned into different objects and the way her clothes changed through the use of these seemingly magical scissors etc.. i thought it was a cute and quirky film (and i could definately see some resembelance of Alice in Wonderland). I am a fan of the way Stop frame animation looks and the way it gives a piece of work a real sense of being hand-made and it's as if you know alot of hard work and thought went into it's process, i love watching these animations (despite not knowing how to make one myself) and am hoping Conrad post's more for my enjoyment in the future, maybe i'll even post one on twitter myself and encourage Conrad to look at my postings. a girl can dream.

follow this for the video
{I tried uploading the video here but it wouldn't let me :( }


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